Michelle Obama Glows in Naeem Khan : InStyle.com What's Right Now
Mrs. O. accessorized her gown with glamorous rose cut, amber and tourmaline pear-shaped Bochic earrings and stacks of gold and diamond bangles. Her demure updo, pink lips and airy chiffon wrap were the perfect ...
Hokie Notes
left. however, Biggs rose to the occasion again with an old-fashioned three-point play to put Tech in front to stay,. 65-64. uaB missed a jumper on the following possession and Brittany gordon was fouled. gordon calmly stepped ...... .400. (6-15) NC CENTRAL (12/06/09) .500. (6-12) MICHIGAN (12/03/09). REBOUNDS. 22 at Radford (11/25/09). 29. UMBC (01/03/10). ASSISTS. 6. NJIT (12/29/09). 7. LONGWOOD (11/13/09). STEALS. 3. LONGWOOD (11/13/09) ...
Hokie Notes
amy Byrne, 113 games. 1291. 10. 82-86 susan Walvius, 105 games. 1161. 11. 81-85 robin lee, 112 games. 1147. 12. 02-06. Dawn chriss, 116 games. 1121. 13. 01-05 erin gibson, 123 games. 1117. 14. 95-99 michelle houseright, 115 games ...... .
Hokie Notes
amy Byrne, 113 games. 618. 06-. Utahya Drye, 111 games. 563. Assists (Career). 1. 96-99 lisa Witherspoon, 112 games. 635. 2. 83-87 maureen Donovan, 115 games. 410. 3. 96-01 amy Wetzel, 129 games. 399. 4. 05-09 laura haskins, 123 games ...... .400. (6-15) NC CENTRAL (12/06/09) .500. (6-12) MICHIGAN (12/03/09) .500 (12-24) NORTH CAROLINA (01/14/10). REBOUNDS. 22 at Radford (11/25/09). 29. UMBC (01/03/10). ASSISTS. 6. NJIT (12/29/09). 7. LONGWOOD (11/13/09) ...
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